Erin Black Photography of Midland, TX

Hello! I am a children's portrait photogrpaher specializing in candid, natural light photography of newborns, babies, children and families. My goal is to capture you and your family just as you are! Photography is my passion and I am excited to provide the opportunity to preserve your life in pictures.


If you would like to schedule a session, please send me a note at or call anytime 432-296-9380

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mr. T - Midland Newborn Photographer

Some of my newborns are awake most of the session. It's refreshing to actually see eyeballs on a newborn, so I welcome this. Mr. T was the best wide-awake baby I've ever had. Usually they fuss when they're away from mom, but he was wonderful and let us pose him like we wanted. Thanks for putting up with us T!


Isn't he so sweet? He finally went to sleep for us for literally one minute. So I got him on his tummy, and got this great drooling open mouth shot. Too cute!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Little Miss Ladybug - Midland Newborn Photographer

Miss P was such a doll! She started out a little rough, and I knew Mom was nervous, but after we patiently waited, she let us move her around all we wanted. My mothers are always so worried their babies won't cooperate...but I remind them that patience pays off. And boy did it pay off!!


Happy new parents.


After our session was finished, we couldn't just leave Miss P alone. We had to get our her Halloween costume and grab some shots. Is this not the cutest Ladybug you've ever seen?


Friday, September 10, 2010

Septemberfest 2010

Erin Black: Portrait Photographer of newborns, babies, children, families....and camels? Yes, camels. Septemberfest was a wonderful surprise for me tonight since I have never been before. It was a beatiful display of artwork and festivities. I enjoyed taking pictures of everyone riding "Jewel", the peaceful camel that does not spit. I can't wait for the children to see these animals on Saturday!! They are in for a treat!

(For those that posed with Jewel, your proofing password is "septemberfest".)


Monday, August 30, 2010

Class of 2032

A new Aggie has been born! Now how can I lock in his fate when he's only 4 days old? Hmmm, I guess I know his parents that well.


"Call me!!" I love it when they're awake. You never know what those little hands and feet are going to surprise you with after you've made that CLICK.


Dadda - Class of '99. Momma - Class of '01. Gig 'em Baby W.


Just Like Clay!

(gallery password: henley)
Ahhh, I love it when a newborn lets you squeeze, roll, hold, and mold them into any postion you want! Henley was a perfect doll that let me mess with her all I wanted. I stayed at this session longer than usual becuase she never got upset. Her poor mother was probably ready to kick me out of the house.


I love this client's taste in decor. She had so many bright colored blankets.


Always a favorite shot of mine. Such perfection and innocence!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy Two Year Old!

My nephew turned 2 years, so we got to drive around town and take some fun shots of him. He was in a fantastic, goofy mood. So it was fun to capture some of his different expressions. Happy Birthday, big boy!!




And we had to get one of all the cousins together. Since I'm mainly shooting family at the moment, you'll get to see a lot of these faces. :)


Thursday, July 8, 2010


I had the pleasure of taking pictures of my friend's family. I used to work with the Dad when I was a childless Petroleum Engineer. Yes, my life has changed just a bit since then. I haven't seen them since we moved to Midland, so it was fun to finally meet their precious little boy!!


I told this fmaily that they better not stop at one child, because they sure do make cute kids together!



Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm Blogging!

Okay, so I took the plunge and started my photography blog. I took the year off from photography after my precious little girl was born. I don't regret one second of it. It was wonderful to give my two children all the undivided attention they need. But I'm slowly starting to take pictures and I hope to be fully opened and operating by the new school year. Here are a few shots of the kids I took during my sabbatical.


I'm already making Miss V. a tomboy, so I thought I'd finally give her some cute girly portraits. It's easy to forget that she has a sweet, feminine side since the poor child is playing with brother's trains and trucks all day.

